Politics (this may not make sense but hey they are my thought)

Thursday, September 11, 2008 |

So this isn't where i go normally with the politics and such, but with recent stories that i have heard about Sara Palin, my mind just keeps on bubbling and thinking about how much of a conservative lying lady she is. I have had multiple conversations about her at my job and with friends and family and the most that i have gotten and have taken from this she has no truth and is just straight up wacko.

First of all i am sorry but there is no way that her 5 month old baby is hers:
A.She lost the baby weight way way way to fast, I am sorry she is no celebrity who has time to take out of their busy schedule to have personal trainer to come and get her into shape, she is a Governor of a state.
B. Her daughter that is pregos right now mysteriously went out of school for like 5-6 months because of Mono, I had friends in high school that had mono and they didn't go out of school for that long. It has to be hers, and itsn't there some stat about how girls that have children at a very young age are more likely to get prego within a year of their first pregnancy, i think i read something about that when i did a project on teen pregnancy for a class. Well her daughter is pregnant, Within a year
I. This Teen Pregnacy thing just goes to show that abstinence only is not a program that works with keeping people from not having babies at a young age. IT SRAIGHT UP JUST DOESN'T WORK" I don't have all my stats with me because my computer crashed like forever ago, basically just after i did this project but if you look on line at the states that get funding for abstinence only programs and the states that have the highest preggers rate they totally go hand in hand HELLO does anyone else see the connection.
C. Oh and the last thing with Sara Palin having that child they are saying that her water broke while she was in Texas then she took a 12 hour flight back to Alaska to have the baby there, I mean i have never been with child and don't plan on it anytime soon but i know that once your water breaks it is kinda something that means the baby is coming really soon, like uner 12 hours soon. COME on who does she think that she is fooling, ummmm NO ONE.

Something that got mer really going about Palin was this video that Matt Damian has on youtube.

Like this makes alot of Sense, i am a female and i think that it is big strides to have a women be in this situation, but i don't think that this particular women is in the right situation, 2 years governing a state with such a small population. Where she bans books from a library. I mean come on bigger issues in the world than banning books. Also the fact that the town that she used to mayor was the Meth Capital of Alaska, maybe the northwest don't quote me on that but still that is like the Juction city or spring field of Oregon, ya know did she even try to tackle those types of issues while she was there, must not have because it is still a problem.

Magazine Usage

Both of the candidates have been featured in magazines and the Obamas are no exception but if you look at the way they are portrayed, why she loves him not babies, lies and Scandles. Going on the cover of a tabloid magazine yes i buy these because of the tabloidness of it. Do we really want our next vice president to be the tabloid/national enquirerer vice president.

So i know that most of my facts are exactly true i am going off of what other people have told me and somethings that i have read. People are who they are going to be i just don't personally think that the things that i have read are things qualities of a person that i want to run this countryand be the one that picks up the phone at 3 am, and hope that THEY make the right decision. especially if the guy she is running with has a 1/3 chance of living through his term of being President.


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