So this isn't where i go normally with the politics and such, but with recent stories that i have heard about Sara Palin, my mind just keeps on bubbling and thinking about how much of a conservative lying lady she is. I have had multiple conversations about her at my job and with friends and family and the most that i have gotten and have taken from this she has no truth and is just straight up wacko.
First of all i am sorry but there is no way that her 5 month old baby is hers:
A.She lost the baby weight way way way to fast, I am sorry she is no celebrity who has time to take out of their busy schedule to have personal trainer to come and get her into shape, she is a Governor of a state.
B. Her daughter that is pregos right now mysteriously went out of school for like 5-6 months because of Mono, I had friends in high school that had mono and they didn't go out of school for that long. It has to be hers, and itsn't there some stat about how girls that have children at a very young age are more likely to get prego within a year of their first pregnancy, i think i read something about that when i did a project on teen pregnancy for a class. Well her daughter is pregnant, Within a year
I. This Teen Pregnacy thing just goes to show that abstinence only is not a program that works with keeping people from not having babies at a young age. IT SRAIGHT UP JUST DOESN'T WORK" I don't have all my stats with me because my computer crashed like forever ago, basically just after i did this project but if you look on line at the states that get funding for abstinence only programs and the states that have the highest preggers rate they totally go hand in hand HELLO does anyone else see the connection.
C. Oh and the last thing with Sara Palin having that child they are saying that her water broke while she was in Texas then she took a 12 hour flight back to Alaska to have the baby there, I mean i have never been with child and don't plan on it anytime soon but i know that once your water breaks it is kinda something that means the baby is coming really soon, like uner 12 hours soon. COME on who does she think that she is fooling, ummmm NO ONE.
Something that got mer really going about Palin was this video that Matt Damian has on youtube.
Like this makes alot of Sense, i am a female and i think that it is big strides to have a women be in this situation, but i don't think that this particular women is in the right situation, 2 years governing a state with such a small population. Where she bans books from a library. I mean come on bigger issues in the world than banning books. Also the fact that the town that she used to mayor was the Meth Capital of Alaska, maybe the northwest don't quote me on that but still that is like the Juction city or spring field of Oregon, ya know did she even try to tackle those types of issues while she was there, must not have because it is still a problem.
Magazine Usage
Both of the candidates have been featured in magazines and the Obamas are no exception but if you look at the way they are portrayed, why she loves him not babies, lies and Scandles. Going on the cover of a tabloid magazine yes i buy these because of the tabloidness of it. Do we really want our next vice president to be the tabloid/national enquirerer vice president.
So i know that most of my facts are exactly true i am going off of what other people have told me and somethings that i have read. People are who they are going to be i just don't personally think that the things that i have read are things qualities of a person that i want to run this countryand be the one that picks up the phone at 3 am, and hope that THEY make the right decision. especially if the guy she is running with has a 1/3 chance of living through his term of being President.
Politics (this may not make sense but hey they are my thought)
Thursday, September 11, 2008 Posted by Alysha at 2:11 AM | Labels: PoliticsDay 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20: Catching up
Tuesday, July 29, 2008 Posted by Alysha at 10:01 AM | Labels: Diet, Music, Work out♥ So I have kinda fell off the world with my postings and such. You know being at my parents house, and have all this school work and all but i am going to try to keep you informed to the best of my ability of being able to remeber
♥Day 16♥ ♥Diet♥
♥Dutch Brothers Iced Kicker
♥Two pieces of toast with jam
♥couple bights of melon
♥Garden Burger with Cheese, Avo's, Lettuce, Ketchup, and Mayo with a side of fries
♥Soy Delight Creamsycle
♥Work out♥
♥ None today I did go to the dog park though and walked around for a bit with Sophia
♥Day 17♥ ♥Diet♥
♥Green tea
♥Garden Burger with Cheese, Avo's, Lettuce, Ketchup, and Mayo with a side of fries
♥Chips and Salsa
♥Soy Delight Cream Bar
♥Blue Sky soda (it is all natural)
♥Work Out♥
♥Went on a 45 minute walk through this trail in Keizer, good fast paced walk with my mom.
♥Day 18♥
♥Bight of bread
♥Chocolate Cake with Ice cream (bad i know i only had a couple bites)
♥Turkey Sandwhich
♥Clam Chowder
♥Diet Coke
♥Tofuttie Cutie
♥Toast with Jam
♥Work out♥
♥Went on an hour power walk with my mom in Mentobrown park, it was fun actually jogged for a little bit. would have been able to keep going if i was doing it on my own but my mom started to join me so i felt pushed.
♥Day 19:♥
♥Bubble Tea (Taro)
♥Poppyseed Muffin
♥Tofutti cuttie
♥Diet Pepsi
♥Chips and Salsa
♥I didn't get a chance to work out, but i did work for 3 and a half hours walking around and i rode my to work and to campus
♥Day 20♥
♥ I have completely fallen off the ladder of being on a diet. I didn't make the correct choices and such. Mostly it is because of lack of effort and such. So as of from this moment on back to the things I should be doing. lol So looking at my diet of today, don't think i am a horrible person for this, i was just an idiot today with my diet choices.
♥Apple Fritter
♥Odwalla strawberry Smoothie
♥Cooler Ranch Chips
♥Subway 6 inch sub Turkey with American Cheese, tomato, bell pepper, Olives, Mayo and Mustard
♥Green Tea
♥I went on a 55 minute walk jog, i would walk for two song then jog for one, and so on for 55 minutes. this was my play list.
7 Things-Miley Cyrus
Powerless-Nelly Furtado
Tainted Love_Marilyn Manson
Labels or Love-Fergie
London Bridge-Fergie
I kissed a Girl-Katy Perry
When I Grow Up-Pussycat Dolls
Viva La Vida-Coldplay
Bottle It Up-Sara Bareilles
Single('06 Mix)-Natasha Bedingfield
Pocketful of Sunshine-Natasha Bedingfield
4 Minutes-Madonna ft Justin Timberlake
Day 15:Home again home again
Thursday, July 24, 2008 Posted by Alysha at 11:55 AM | Labels: Diet, the Dark Night, Traveling♥So today i took the train home and it was a nice short trip. Just listened to my iPod and read a little bit in my book "Big Boned" I haven't been able to read it as fast as i would like with things like life taking over mine lol. It was a great ride though and it is nice to be home when i have access to my moms car and get free food and starbucks♥always a plus♥ But since i am home i am going to do a little change up of my diet b/c i don't want my mom to have to buy all of these things that require buying stuff that she will never eat so i am going to modify my diet just for the weekend. But since i am home my mom is big on walking and working out so even though i don't have the why to do to i still will get in my daily work outs.
♥I am also seeing the "Dark Knight" again tonight with my mom. no wonder this movie is breaking so many records there are people like me that go and see the movie three times. I seriously cannot get enough of Heath Ledger and his performance it was so good and creepy at the same time. Even going into this movie i was wondering if he was going to be a better one that Jack Nickolson, and sure enough he did he made Jack's version of the joker look like childs play. Ohhh he did such a good job
♥Today's Diet♥
♥♥Starbucks mocha(my mom bought it for me i couldn't turn it down)*stomach is paying for it now*Yeah so after not have dairy and cafiene for about 2 weeks and having it today my body was definitely telling me that i shouldn't have drank it because my stomach hurt so bad!*
♥Skipped lunch today, i know that is bad but i wasn't hungery.
♥♥Salad with balsamic vinegar, and 3 small pieces of pizza from my favorite pizza place Padingtons.
♥Today's Workout♥
♥So i went on a walk with my mom around my home town's neighbor hood the walk lasted about an hour and i believe that is 4 weight watcher activity points.
Day 14: Week 3 weigh in
Wednesday, July 23, 2008 Posted by Alysha at 1:18 PM | Labels: Diet, Weight loss, Work out♥So at today's weigh in i didn't loose any weight, i actually gained .2 pounds. so i mean i am sure that i actually lost weight but because mother nature has called, it is probably the reason of why i didn't loose any weight. The factors of why i gained and didn't loose, and things i can change:
♥Had popcorn last night, Full of sodium
♥Didn't stay completely with the skinny bitch diet.
♥Had Dairy
♥Didn't work out possibly as hard as i could have
♥To much salt in take.
♥Had soda yesterday and i was doing so well at not having soda
♥So all in all i am down 5.2 pounds which is still good. i just need to keep up with the work out and keeping up with the vegan Diet. this weekend could be difficult because i am going home to my parents house so hopefully i will be able to keep up with everything.
♥Today's Diet♥
♥♥Whole Wheat Bagel with Soy Cream Cheese
♥♥Bubble tea
♥♥Nothing i kinda skipped lunch today
♥♥Phad Thai with tofu no egg (I am sure living off of phad thai isn't the healthiest thing but hey i was at work and me giving up free food, no not me)
♥♥Tofuttie cutie
♥♥2 Fat Tire's
♥Today's Workout♥
♥20 minute round trip on bike to and from campus.
♥25 minute round trip on bike to and from work
♥I am going home tomorrow morning so i might not be posting a blog this weekend but for sure on sunday there will be an explanation of my work outs and diet for the weekend.
Day 13:Falling but picking my self up
Tuesday, July 22, 2008 Posted by Alysha at 4:15 PM | Labels: Books, Diet, Movie, Weight watchers♥So i went and saw the Dark Knight again and it was just as amazing as the first one. This time I paid more attention the actions of Heath Ledger. I heard some rumor that this role had messed with him so much, it is the reason that he was on the sleeping pills that ended up taking his life. So this time i watched it it was interesting to see how he acted, and how deeply he took this role. It was a very interesting way to look at the film, and it made it all the more fascinating. I have always been a fan of Heath, and it is sad to know that he will never make a movie again but at least we can remember him through his roles that he has played. And i completely believe that his role should get an Oscar nod and get the whole meal deal for that.
♥Today's Diet♥
♥♥Strawberry C Monster
♥♥Yakisoba Noodles with Veggies
♥♥Avocado Rolls
♥♥Vegetable stir-fry, they didn't have brown rice so i picked through all the veggies and ate as little of the rice that i could.
♥♥Salad with Italian dressing. It had Carrots, cucumbers, pinto beans, corn and tomatoes.
♥♥Pop corn(I know i shouldn't have but i couldn't resist with the PMS and all. damn those stupid cravings)
♥♥Small diet coke. I was doing so well two weeks with no soda. Well gotta start all over again. But i will do it.
♥I am weighing in for weight watchers tomorrow, hope all goes well we will see, i don't feel like i lost and weight, but i have been following my diet correctly and i have been working out so we will see. I will put a post on here as soon as i get my results for the weigh in.
♥Today's Workout♥
♥Twenty minute round trip on bicycle to campus and back.
♥35 minutes on the Elliptical i burned 370 calories
♥40 Minutes on the bike burning 250 calories
♥New Book off the summer book list♥
♥So on my hour break on campus today i went to the book store and bought two books. "Big Boned" and "She Went All the Way" both are by Meg Cabot(of Course) I have started "Big Boned" at least i have read 2 pages lol. But i figured i would start with that one because it was the third in the series. I will let ya'll know how it is. I am sure it will be a super fast read just like the others and perfect for the train ride home that i am taking on Thursday.
Day 12:New four weeks of class
Monday, July 21, 2008 Posted by Alysha at 4:52 PM | Labels: Bridget Jones Diary, Diet, Work out
♥ So today I started my Newest class that i am taking this summer. It is looking into popular cuture form a sociological point of view it is pretty interesting and I am sure that i am going to have much to say about it. considering i am a popular culture junkie. Hopefully it goes well. and i am sure there are going to be many cool topics that we are going to talk about. PLUS ON A SIDE NOTE. I GET TO DO A GROUP PRESENTATION ABOUT SEX AND THE CITY HOW COOL IS THAT!!!!
♥So i realized today at work that the nicer you are to a customer and the more you go to a table the nicer they are and the more they seem to appreciate you and give you a good tip. Because it was just as busy and crazy today as it was last monday only today i didn't get bitched at by a customer about their food.
♥Day 12 Diet♥
♥♥Feox Chicken Nuggets with ketchup
♥♥2 Newman's O's
♥♥Phad Thai with tofu No egg
♥♥Fruit Bar
♥Work out♥
♥♥So today I didn't go to the gym but i went on a couple bike rides. Since the bus has a funky schedule during the summer i ride my bike to and from campus that equals about a twenty minute bike ride their and back. And since it is easier for me to ride my bike to work it is about a twenty minute round trip. So even though i didn't go to the gym i still got some exercise, on my trip to work and school.
♥So I know i want to read more this summer. And yes i have so far. I just haven't had time lately to read. Or it could just be i can't really get in to Bridget Jones Diary. Maybe that is what it is because usually when i like a book i read and read it, so maybe i should just skip it and go on to the next one. Maybe since it is my mom book and she is the one who has read it i will ask her opinion of the book.
Day 11:Frustrations up the Wazoo
Sunday, July 20, 2008 Posted by Alysha at 6:55 PM | Labels: Diet, Frustrations, Work out
♥Hey all so nothing extremely exciting happened unless you count me yelling at two different telephone operators over the phone because of a double charge on my account done by amtrack, and yeah not to happy about that because, yes i am a college student and dealing with money that i actually didn't spend INFURIATES ME. i mean i have to pinch pennies just like all others but to pay 60 bucks for a 30 dollar ticket, yeah i don't think so. So long story short after getting mad and upset at both companies it didn't get me anywhere. LAMO.
♥On another note, i have noticed that the restaurant that i work just straight up has bad service. I think that i am a good server an all but still, even the best server can't deal with the stuff that i and the others i work with have to. I mean when there is a rush we aren't prepared because she sends people home because she thinks that it is going to slow so she sends someone home. She just needs to take he losses so we can have better service and people will be more likely to come in because the service is better. I know that i am just rambling but this place is probably the worst one i have ever worked at just because of the way it is run and how the customers are treated.
♥ So those are my rants for the day, I think i should talk about the positive
♥Work Out♥
♥I am going to count work today as a work out because i hussled my ass off with taking time to think for about 1 hour straight. Totally bustin' up a sweat. There is a plus about being a server you get a work out in while you are working.
♥35 Minutes on the Elliptical Burned 370 calories. Switching from 9 and 10 with resistance.
♥40 minutes on the bike burning 270 calories. I usually burn more but today i used one of their pre-programed work out so i burned less. Still it feels good to have those great work outs.
♥Day 11 Diet♥
♥♥Phad Thai-No egg with tofu
♥♥Whole Wheat bread with a Boca burger with ketchup and Mustard
♥♥Tofuttie Cutie
Day 10: Edge of Ya know
Saturday, July 19, 2008 Posted by Alysha at 8:05 PM | Labels: Diet, Meals, Skinny bitch, Work out♥Hey blogging world, So today in the life of loves not a lot happened. Got to sleep in, it is so nice having Friday and Saturday off now i actually have a weekend unlike how i used to not have a weekend it is pretty sweet. So i did the Usual.
Today's Work out:
♥ 35 on the Elliptical
♥ 40 minutes on the bike
♥ Today i switched up my work out on the elliptical. When i was seeing my trainer Kim she showed me this feature on machine that tells you how many calories you are burning per minute, and she also told me that for every hour of cardio one needs to burn 100 calories so on my time on the elliptical i burned 350 calories the amount that you should for a 35 minute work. I am very proud of my self for doing that today because i feel that it is bring up my endurance. I eventually want to start to run again and i think i will start to run on day 20.
Day 10 Meal:
♥Breakfast♥: Strawberry Banana Smoothie(Comprised of Strawberry, Banana and rice dream vanilla-Pretty good, it neede more strawberries in it though)
♥Salad comprised of hearts of romaine, carrots, Cucumber, and broccoli.
♥Two Newman O's
♥Quasadilla with soy mozzarella cheese and Safeway's garlic lovers salsa
♥Tofutti cutie sandwich
Size 12 is not Fat
Posted by Alysha at 1:19 PM | Labels: Books, Bridget Jones Diary, Size 14 isn't fat either
♥So I finished the book last night, after taking it to the gym yesterday i didn't realize that i only had about 8 pages left in the book. Anyways it is just as quick of a read as the first one is. It is Funny, Quirky, and has a great little twist for they mystery part that keeps the pages turning. All and All great summer read!
♥My next book that i am going to read is Bridget Jones Diary, I started it last night but i couldn't concentrate. I am going to read it more at the gym to, I will let you guys know how it is.
Day 9: Hurdels to go through
Friday, July 18, 2008 Posted by Alysha at 10:36 PM | Labels: the Dark Night, Weight loss♥Hey all so today is day nine, and i must say not alot happened. I did have some speed bumps today and are the things that make me stronger in this new life style that i am bring myself, to lead a healthier life.
♥So today I went and saw the Dark Night with Devin today, and yes it is true what everyone has said about the movie. IT IS AMAZING. Granted it was weird to think that one of the leading characters in the movie dead, that was a little weird. But aside from that Heath Ledger did an amazing job in the movie. ohhhh it was great, Oscar material for damn sure.
♥So with going to a movie there is so many hurdles that i dieter like me has to go through. I mean the popcorn smell and being in a theater, it makes you want to get some. But today i did a big thing for myself and didn't get anything, because knowing me i would want the popcorn and the soda, and add on some candy. So to prepare for this i did one thing, i brought my Nalgene, and filled it with some ice water and just had that through out the movie and it helps, A. save money and B. you dont NEED to get that stuff at the theaters, just a waste of money.
♥35 minutes on the elliptical
♥40 Minutes on bike.
♥♥♥♥This totaling 4 weightwatcher activity points.
Breakfast: Nectorine
Lunch: Boca Chicken Pattie
Whole Wheat Bread
Dinner: Baked Potatoes
Whole Wheat Pasta
Marinara Sauce
♥I have noticed the more that i am changing my lifestyle the more that my appetite has changed. It is nice knowing what my taste buds like now and what i used to think was good. And i am eating a lot less than i used too.
♥Oh and i am still working on "Size 14 Is not Fat Either" I am almost done i have about 50 pages left.
Day 8: Weigh in Greatness
Thursday, July 17, 2008 Posted by Alysha at 7:09 PM | Labels: book review, daily eating, Weight loss♥ So today was my first weigh in at Weight Watchers, and i do have to say that this diet and exercise really has worked. OMG i am so proud of my self. i lost 5.2 pounds i mean how cool is that i am so proud of my self. through out all of my time being at weight watchers i have never lost more than 4 pounds. So to loose 5 pounds in the FIRST WEEK, well that is just amazing i am super happy.
Today's Work out:
♥Bike ride to and from campus(like 10-20 minutes tops for the entire trip)
♥35 minutes on the Elliptical
♥40 minutes on the bike.
Today's Eatings:
-Fruit bowl:Banana, Strawberries, Nectorine
-Odwalla Strawberry C-Monster
-Left over Phad Thai from last night: no egg with tofu
-Salad with Annies Natural Italian.
♥I am cloud nine right now about the weight loss this week, and i am super proud of my self all i can say is keep it going and keep up the good work. The book Skinny Bitch was right, this is the best and healthiest way to loose weight. I feel happier and have more energy since i have given up dairy and meat, IT FEELS GREAT. There are still those things that are tough to give up, the bubble tea and those yummy frapacinos at Starbucks.
♥On a last note everything that i am eating doesn't include the fact that i am going out to the bars tonight. i finish one of my four week classes so i mean that is a good weight off the shoulders.
♥Oh i am almost done with "size 14 isn't fat either" and it is just as good as the first of the series, and i am sure that tomorrows post will inform all of you how my progress is.