First post in a while

Tuesday, July 8, 2008 |

So yessssss, it has been a while since i have posted any blogs but life has been so busy i don't actually know if anyone is reading this blog. But i figure i should update the one person out there that reads my blog lol.

So in the recent hype of sex and the city populatirty i have been sucked into the greatness of the show. I mean i tried to watch it when i was younger, but at the time i couldn't find myself being able to relate to 30 year old women but as i get older i have become obsessed, i quote it, i talk about it. and i have even made it so my phone is sex and the citied out. i know i am obsessed but it is such a great thing. Ohhhhh how i love love love love it!

Oh and the Fergie song Love and Labels is just fabulous it is the opening song for the movie and i loved it when i saw the movie in the theater but now that i have bought it off iTunes it has been on repeat on both my iPod and iTunes combined, maybe i have a problem and i should get some help.

Another big thing that i have decided to do is try weight watchers again, i know that when i was on the program i didn't loose a ton of weight but it kept me on my toes with what my weight was instead of not really giving a shit about what i weigh ya know. So along with weight watchers i am going to attempt to follow the program of the book "Skinny Bitch" I have just fallen in love with this book and it has changed how i look at the world of food. Ya'll should definitely read it.


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